Sunday, August 18, 2013

Tour de Colorado: Sunday

An exciting day in the Gunsmoke Household.  The morning has been a flurry of activity as we pack the covered wagon ready for a week touring Colorado as we follow the US Pro Cycling Challenge.  After a cushy year gathering dust in the back yard, our caravan is now spic, span and pointing in the right direction.  The pick-up bed is full to the gills with all manner of crap we'll probably never use.  And the dogs are in full-on velcro mode, making sure we don't accidentally leave them behind.

Dear Wife is 'almost' ready to get in the shower so our planned early start is only 3 or 7 hours behind schedule.  Believe me, this is promising.

Aspen bound tonight - where the millionaires have been pushed out by the billionaires.  We'll blend right in.

1 comment:

PammyJean said...

Bon voyage! Find the team buses tomorrow morning, and grab some pre-race autographs!