Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Tour de Colorado - Tuesday III

So it doesn’t really look that far on a map.  Aspen to Steamboat Springs.  The road is a bit squiggly it’s true and we knew that meant some uppy bits.  But we really didn’t expect it to take us this long.  A supermarket and gas stop took way longer than it should.  And some endless construction zones slowed us somewhat.

But the most troublesome delay was due to the truck deciding to revisit an old and so far, incurable problem which causes it to just die suddenly.  Out of the blue, the engine will splutters to a halt, taking with it the power steering and brakes.  Which is about as exciting as it gets when you’re going down a steep hill pulling a trailer.  Fortunately, even though this happened three times on the journey, there was no harm done.  It was just a hot, long and wearisome drive.

Still, it’s late evening now and we’re snug in our little trailer, with dog and dog snoozing on the floor.  The beer stayed cold and the campsite is pretty.  It’s not all bad, this bike touring lark.

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